Tag Archives: Slimming

Beautifying with.. COCONUT OIL!

23 Sep


I know this may sound ridiculous.. but I cant even begin to tell you all how much I am in looove with coconut oil. I ALWAYS have a big jar in my kitchen and buy back ups just incase so I am never without!
I even named my puppy coco 🙂

All my friends & family like to tease me for always smelling like a coconut or eating something coconut-related!

There are soo many incredible benefits to taking coco oil. I know when first reading this, many of you will think I am a little nuts as oils usually have such high amounts of fat. Many of you may typically think it would be hugely fattening, but the way the body absorbs coco oil is totally different!!

But…don’t just take my word for it. I’m gonna turn into a bit of a science geek for a minute here and tell you that although coconut oil is made up of approx 90% saturated fats (dont panic!) it actually is composed of special types of fats called medium chain triglycerides (MCTs).

Studies have proven that by digesting these types of healthy fats in the liver means your body will in turn actually burn MORE energy! I know!! Amazing. What this means is by taking in this oil daily, your body will burn more calories than usual (especially from the tummy area).

Its no wonder why supermodels such as Miranda Kerr swear by this beauty secret!

She claims to take a super FOUR tablespoons of the magic stuff a day!

If I wasn’t already sold …I certainly am now! I mean, if its good enough for gorgeous Miranda, it surely is good enough for all of us 🙂

Coconut oil is mega high in the antioxidant vitamin E, which means it protects our bodies from any damage to our tissues, healthy fats and cells. This is reallllllyyyy good news for our skin as it means through protecting our cells, we will be able to get anti-aging benefits.

Coconut oil is used in many of today’s best skincare products and lotions as it is anti-fungal, antimicrobial and antibacterial. This means it can even help to cure skin ailments such as psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema and other skin infections. On top of that it’s SUPER moisturizing and very soothing. I love using it on my face and body at night-time and waking up to baby soft nourished skin!!!

Indian women are known for their gorgeous THICK long healthy hair & coconut oil is commonly used in each household as an excellent home conditioner remedy. It aids hair growth and makes hair look super shiny and feel less-damaged.

When applying to hair, I personally use a mixture of two tablespoons of organic virgin coconut oil, two tablespoons of organic olive oil, and one tablespoon of organic honey (you may wish to change the mixture for longer/shorter hair). Massage this into your hair and leave overnight if you can. This mixture works super amazing if you heat it up slightly before applying, as it then opens your hair follicles and can be absorbed better.

The uses for coconut oil are endless! I would LOVE to hear whether you guys are coconut oil fans and how you like to use it?

Love B x