Tag Archives: Maca Root Powder

Hail to the Kale!

10 Oct

ImageHi guys!

I wanted to introduce you today to Kale! Don’t be shy, this will be your BEST vegetable friend and will maximise your natural beauty in such a noticeable way!

Kale belongs to the wild cabbage family of vegetables and it’s increasing in popularity by the day! More & more places are stocking up on this wonder veg and it could be because of the amount of celebs that have jumped on the kale-bandwagon.

I have to tell you that until recently, this vegetable has been SO underrated! It is the Queen of Greens and is actually way more nutritious than Broccoli.

I started taking this as I read that this veg actually fights and treats cancer. Yes! You read right, an actual vegetable that assists with fighting cancer and disease. It even reduces cholesterol, which means it provides cardiovascular support to the body. This in itself shows how powerful a veg can be!

No other vegetable can match its combination of nutrients, minerals and phyto-nutrients.

It is SUPER high in Vitamin A, which is absolutely essential for healthy skin. It is full of antioxidants, which help to slow down the aging process and it’s a great internal cleanser for the skin! It detoxifies your body from within, so that on the outside you have a beautiful, healthy GLOW!

And in case you haven’t guessed by now, I am all about the GLOW!

Kale contains Iron, BOTH Omega 3 and Omega 6 (which is really rare for a veg to hold both vitamins!). It really helps hair growth and improves the quality of your hair-no more breakages!

Vitamin K and calcium are also present within this wonder veg which both contribute to healthy bones and joints. It is like a whole-body detox from within.

I like to take kale the fun and easy way- through fresh smoothies in the mornings! By juicing the kale, it maintains the nutrients which are usually lost through the process of cooking.

If your looking for a delish beautifying recipe, try mixing two cups of curly kale (minus the stems), one and a half cups of your favourite fruits (I like to put frozen organic blueberries in mine as it makes it nice and cold), some coconut oil, and some freshly squeezed orange/grapefruit juice.
You can even add a little honey or agave nectar to sweeten if you like. Put all of these ingredients into a blender and mix until really silky smooth. It’s not fun to leave small bits of unblended kale in the smoothie 🙂
You will be left with icy cold, green yumminess!

It is best taken on a daily basis, on an empty stomach and you can always mix up the recipe to suit your tastes and keep it fresh and exciting! 🙂

Bex’s tips for Buying Kale:

  • Always try to go for organic kale where you can as there are less pesticides present
  • Smaller leaves often taste nicer
  • Always wash properly before use! (wash again even if it says it has been washed…or maybe that’s just me being OCD …haha)
  • Kale must be dark green in colour and try to avoid those with holes or discolouration
  • Buy refrigerated kale where you can as the heat actually alters the flavour!

Time to be green goddess! Today I made my smoothie with coconut milk, kiwi, pineapple, mango and maca root powder, my CUTE mini blender decided to break just after taking this photo- sad times!

Happy Blending!

Love B x


Breakfast SUPERFOODS! Part One

8 Oct


Hi guys!

I hope you are all happy and healthy.

I thought I would give you a sneak-peek into some of the superfoods that I take in the mornings that keep me young, healthy and gorgeous! Hehe.

My supplements are soooo important to me, as I believe they REALLY contributed to my recovery from cancer last year. They supported my body and built up my strength immensely. I could tell the super effects they were having on my body from my energy levels, skin, hair, nails-everything!

I am still undergoing preventative treatment every 2 months and so I am always trying to find innovative ways to support my body with superfoods, vitamins, sleep and exercise. I realized that without health, we have nothing. And being healthy is what makes us beautiful inside and out! 🙂

The three that I take at breakfast time are Organic Cacao Nibs, Organic Maca Root Powder and Baobab. (They are quite a mouthful to say 🙂 )

Organic cacao is basically unprocessed chocolate. Cacao nibs are cacao beans that have been roasted, separated from their husks, and broken into smaller pieces. The taste is similar to chocolate-but not so sweet and slightly more bitter than dark chocolate. The reason I take this is because of the HUGE amount of anti oxidants; 20 times more than blueberries and 119 times more than bananas. It tastes yummy and kicks any cravings for sweets and chocolates. I have a major weakness for ice cream and sweets so this helps me to stay slim too! Beauty-wise this is amazing for improving the skin and protecting against aging!

Baobab powder is my number one source of Vitamin C! Vit C is your answer to PLUMP, healthy skin! It actually helps your body to produce more collagen naturally and increases Vitamin E production. This protects skin-cells against free radical damage and assists with quicker healing. Baobab has the highest amount of antioxidants than any fruit in the world; almost 5 X the amount of antioxidants than in fresh acai berries.

Lastly, I take Maca Root Powder for energy and balancing my hormones. Maca is very versatile and is packed with amino acids (proteins), minerals and B-vitamins, which makes it a great energy-booster. It is so amazing how maca works for your hormones, it literally works differently in every person and can increase/decrease hormone levels depending on what imbalances you may have in your body. So if you have too much or too little of any hormone in your body, maca will help to regulate this. This is why many women take this if they are trying to get pregnant, PMS-ing or going through menopause. When your hormones are balanced & in-check, your mood improves, your body works more efficiently and it also improves your libido. This is suitable for both men and women and really is a SUPERFOOD. I have heard many people use this as an alternative to cure cancer and depression.

I mix all of these into my organic muesli into the mornings (and even put my omega oil inside too!) and reap the benefits all day everyday! I couldn’t recommend these more! I hope this inspires you to rethink your breakfast and see what vitamin goodness you may be missing out on 🙂

All are available from Revital health-food store on Kings Road, or most good health-food stores. I sometimes buy online too!

Peace, Love and Health,

B x