Tag Archives: Hair Mask

Hair today, Gone tomorrow & Back again!

25 Sep


Hi my loves!

So the topic of the day is hair! Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but I cannot help but notice that healthy, thick, shiny hair is something that is UNIVERSALLY attractive for both men and women. The reason that healthy hair is SO important is that it indicates good health and good physical health is perceived as attractive.

The human body is soo intuitive, its amazing! Any imbalances in hormones, diet, vitamins, stress and sleep presents itself as a physical symptom in the body. These can often go unnoticed. This is why its crucial that we do all we can to take extra precautions and look after our hair and to ensure it is in the best condition possible!

Last year, I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and my doctors felt that the only course of action was 6 rounds of aggressive chemo. This filled me with dread, for obvious reasons.

I wouldn’t say it was my FIRST thought, but definitely in my top 5 was how will I cope with losing my hair and what if it never grows back?? The thought that it may not grow back properly was hard to digest! Now I can look back and smile as I was soo wrong.

It was absolutely tough and the picture shown above was literally taken the day before my longgg hair started to all fall out!

BUT , every cloud has a silver lining and my hair has grown back healthier, stronger, shinier and THICKER than ever! It is super curly (which it never was before) but I have put a lot of energy into ensuring it has the best chance to grow back after chemo.

Through a combination of SUPER simple additions to my beauty routine, I have managed to grow back my hair at record speed! This is what I did.

I started taking Bioton– this is the HOLY GRAIL of hair growth. Like the most important step you can take to growing your hair. Biotin is a natural product (referred to as Vitamin H). It is a B-complex vitamin that has been scientifically proven to promote healthy gorgeous hair growth! For many, it is often due to a deficiency of this vitamin that leads to falling hair, dry hair and breakages.

I have been taking Solgar-Biotin 5000 IU for the past 3 months and have seen the quality of my hair has improved massively and it has accelerated the growth noticeably!

I also love this as it helps to boost the quality of nails & skin so its always nice to be able to enjoy some extra benefits!! 🙂

I also started to use Cayenne Pepper on my scalp! This is a wonderful home remedy that is soo underated. It does wonders. This herb works by irritating the scalp, therefore producing more bloodflow & circulation in that area. Good circulation is crucial for hair growth and often people who are bald have been found to have poor circulation.

How I use this herb is either to mix a tablespoon in with my coconut hair oil mixture (please refer to previous coconut post for details) and leave this mixture on my hair for a minimum of 3 hours), OR I add some into my shampoo or leave in conditioner and just apply this to the roots/scalp. Make sure to adjust the amount depending on your hair length.

It does tingle so don’t be alarmed 🙂

Lastly, I filled up on some yummy superfoods that contain essential fatty acids such as avacados, walnuts, flaxseeds and salmon! These aid cell growth and assist in delivering nutrients to the hair follicles aswell as helping circulation.

As you can see, all of the above have helped me to grow my hair to this length below in only 9 months (& that includes 3 haircuts in between!)

Happy hair growing darlings!

Love B x
