Tag Archives: Essential fatty acid

Beauty From Within- Vol One-Omega oils

22 Sep

Fish_Oil_Soft_Capsule_CAXIN_Omega3_6As some of you may know, I am a BIG believer that beauty starts from within.

This means that no matter what stunning makeup someone wears, it will not help to cover up unhealthy skin and poor diet. You must have a healthy base to begin with.

It kinda goes without saying thats a healthy diet and excercise is a good place to start BUT there are a variety of beauty-enhancing vitamins that could MAJORLY boost the quality of your hair, skin and nails in a way that a healthy diet alone may not achieve.

This week I want to discuss one of my faaaavorite beauty vitamins which I have been taking religiously for the past year which is Omega 3, 6 & 9. You can start to see the benefit from taking this within just a few weeks. You will notice your skin will start to glow and feel more hydrated!

Omega 3, 6, 9  is an important combination of essential fatty acids that provide a multitiude of health benefits. Omega 3 & 6 are especially crucial as our bodies do not produce these naturally. They can improve brain function, decrease inflammation, help to increase oxygen intake & circulation and helps cells repair themselves faster.

It has actually been known to cure various skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.  It also has some SERIOUS benefits for healthy hair growth and helping hair become OUTRAGEOUSLY shiny!! It increases hair elasticity (so less breakages), nourishes the hair follicle and improves scalp circulation meaning faster hair growth!

More benefits include plumping the skin, less wrinkles, more moisture and faster skin cell repair. I have noticed a MASSIVE difference when taking this and now I cannot live without it! I take this in liquid form (which i’ll be honest, doesn’t taste the best BUT its totally bearable! The taste disappears after a a minute or two! ) . I have tried capsule forms in the past which have been also very good! You can find this in most health food shops. You must try this!

Please do consult with your doctor before introducing any new supplements into your diet.